If you're relatively new, then start simple... Just use MTurk Suite. HIT Finder @ 1000milliseconds or slightly higher, and HIT Catcher. While Panda Crazy has more options, HIT Finer & HIT Catcher work fine for me if I want to get ~$50/day. Then run no more than 2 Pandas via HIT catcher... Running more will slow down the refresh rate of the pandas and you'll never catch anything.
Finally, for any HIT that you panda, pay attention to when the HIT shows up on Hit Finder and how long it's timer is (Duration) because you're more likely to catch a HIT as it's expiring from peoples' HIT queues 1 hour after it drops, than 1 minute after it appears on HIT Finder. If the HIT's duration is 3-hours then don't bother firing-up the panda until 2hours 55 minutes after it drops, and maybe prioritize catching other HITs in the meantime.