lmao holy cow thread titles.. taco tuesday should be EVERY tuesday
Ok in all seriousness I dropped in to share new stuffs lol.. for people who read good and do other things good too:
For those who don't:
- TV now has profiles for Universities/Colleges in the US, UK, CA, AU that use MTurk w/ relationships to their individual requester accounts associated w/ the unis
- Decent way to get a feel for a new req who may not have any reviews but does have IRB info present (IRB info alone usually == safe, but still some schools are better than others)
- You can retrieve IRB info from TV now (I know MTS stores HIT frames, but Qualtrics surveys tend to expire so unless you're manually saving the info yourself this might be helpful to you. If nothing else, when things go wrong there should be an extra support net out there where workers can find info they need to get it fixed

I'll be hanging around for feedback/improvements/features/etc requests

Honestly a lot of this is aimed towards getting academics to adopt better design/wages so it's not the
most worker-centric feature but how folks adopt/find uses for it will drive a lot of the future development of it :flail:
...Please, please let this do something funny:
HIT Time: to party