I'm alive and I have hope that things will get better in the long run as long as I focus on myself and try not to focus on people who don't care about me.
(I know you posted this a while ago but it took me like an hour to get my thoughts together before posting this lol.)
The thing is, you really only have yourself in life. Your happiness and choices are all up to you.
You have a tremendous amount of power over yourself and your life. I think once you think on that and really let it set in, you'll realize a lot of very positive things. For one, you're not dependent on your exes or other people (relationships) for happiness. When you are the only person responsible for your happiness, that means the external world (people and events) cannot be truly responsible for said happiness (or unhappiness.) The freedom this mindset provides has been very helpful to me, because when you really integrate that perspective into your being, your own perspective on life will change.
Ultimately, your mind is your best tool. The mind can be very tricky and make us think that we have no power over our circumstances...but that is just the ego denying responsibility. I know cutting off ties with people can be hard. I've done it so many times I've lost count. But I know that if I had stayed around those toxic people, I would
still be miserable. And if those people don't care about you, you're only wasting energy and dragging yourself through the dirt for nothing. Toxic people do not change (
rarely do they change) so you're better off burying the hatchet.
That being said, I really recommend looking into things like meditation. I need to be more consistent with it, but the time I have invested in my own self-development has made me tremendously happier than before I started. I also recommend looking into Actualized.org and
Eckhart Tolle. This
video (from Actualized) in particular provided me with a lot of insight into my life. They are a little long, but if you're open minded (it also helps to be somewhat interested in self development, too) they can provide you with a ton of information and insight. (Most all of Tolle's videos are helpful so I just linked you to their channel. Theirs are also quite shorter than the ones from Actualized.org.)
Self-development is probably one of the most fulfilling investments you can make, and the sooner you begin, the better that investment will pay off. But just remember, you have a lot of power, Peachy. Power to be happy within yourself AND power to be happy without toxic people in your life.