Here's an argumentative essay, written nearly entirely by AI. They can even take controversial/personal/moral themes now. It's crazy how good they are-writers are the next to go!:
**Trigger warning-sensitive topic**
In my opinion, schools should provide free pads and tampons to students. I believe this because I think it is a basic human right to have access to these products. I'm not saying we need custom colors or scents, just like I don't think we need custom SpongeBob Bandaids. Just the basic coverage and control of bodily fluids is fine.
We're not the main providers of pads or tampons-the parents should be, but we should provide them if needed. Let's face the facts. Some parents are not going to provide them for their daughters until too late, and we can prevent pain, suffering, and hygiene issues with a cheap solution: providing these at our schools.
I have experienced period poverty. I have been in situations where I had to use toilet paper to stop my period from leaking through my clothes. I have been in situations where I had to use a sock as a pad. I have been in situations where I had to go without a pad or tampon because I did not have enough money to buy one.
These situations were embarrassing, and I was ashamed of my period. I felt like I was less of a person because I had a period. I felt like I was dirty. Children should never feel like this. They should be safe, happy, and healthy at school, to better learn.
Pads and tampons are not birth control. They don't involve a fetus or a baby. There are not as many complex religious laws or debates about periods, as it is simply a fact of life. Women have them. And we are in a position to help them. They are not a luxury item. They are not a choice. They are a necessity for keeping our daughters and their communities healthy, clean, and safe.
(used under permission, on the condition of anonymity of engine)
If I didn't know better, I would say a human wrote it. And we here at Mturk did the training XD
After reading that, my wife said, "You know how 'God is a woman'? Well, now we know AI is a woman, who has strong opinions on period products"