Title: Participate in our study about cognitive abilities (~65 mins) | PANDA
Requester: S@TR [A1VHA47ORXU6WR]
TurkerView: [ $13.26 / hour ]
Description: This study consists of some puzzles, math problems, brain teasers, and cognitive exercises plus a series of questionnaires about your habits, beliefs, your past, economic status, and personality. It takes 1 hour to complete and we ask that you complete the activity without taking any breaks or having distractions. You need to use a desktop or laptop to complete the activity (not a tablet or a smartphone). You will receive feedback on your performance on the cognitive tasks at the end of the activity based on data gathered from previous participants who have participated in our study.
Duration: 198 Min
Available: 26
Reward: $7.50
Requester: S@TR [A1VHA47ORXU6WR]
TurkerView: [ $13.26 / hour ]
Description: This study consists of some puzzles, math problems, brain teasers, and cognitive exercises plus a series of questionnaires about your habits, beliefs, your past, economic status, and personality. It takes 1 hour to complete and we ask that you complete the activity without taking any breaks or having distractions. You need to use a desktop or laptop to complete the activity (not a tablet or a smartphone). You will receive feedback on your performance on the cognitive tasks at the end of the activity based on data gathered from previous participants who have participated in our study.
Duration: 198 Min
Available: 26
Reward: $7.50
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- 825f4e2bfc00bcfa3b2e679f859a8ecddff0d7b7 DoesNotExist
- Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 500
- ab5c70a2a750f5b115e550db4b754b92dfd32213 NotIn 1, 2, 3
- HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 96
- Location EqualTo US
- 34ee50c9eacb4e076cedf82013242ddbbbff8013 NotIn 0