The one batch I could manage today is gone. My most-of-a-day without internet yesterday was actually spent on how-tos of j-scripting as there was less to distract me like the other 50 times I'd planned to.
So I'm working on a mostly pointless sergey script to practice.
I hope it's not possible to break anyone's computer and/or mturk doing so, pretty much impossible, right? But I bet I could find a way.

thought id warn people.
The last 'real' job I had, I was told by the HR guy my info broke his system, I had to start a week later than planned. The job before that, they showed on their computer my ID had been swiped at the back door late one night. They went out, no one was there. Actually this was 2 weeks after I quit, and the ID had been turned in. My husband had started working there by then, and the security guy was telling me this. Ok im being distracted again. im done.