Title: Apparel Recommender Systems | PANDA
Requester: Joan Wang [A2HF6MDKH9ILD]
TurkerView: [ $28.21 / hour ]
Description: Our study aims at understanding consumers’ reactions to clothing recommendations. In this study you will go through a series of display screens asking for your evaluation of various clothing items and outfits.
Duration: 30 Min
Available: 1
Reward: $3.00
Requester: Joan Wang [A2HF6MDKH9ILD]
TurkerView: [ $28.21 / hour ]
Description: Our study aims at understanding consumers’ reactions to clothing recommendations. In this study you will go through a series of display screens asking for your evaluation of various clothing items and outfits.
Duration: 30 Min
Available: 1
Reward: $3.00
- Total approved HITs GreaterThan 100
- Gender - Female EqualTo 1
- HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThan 90
- Location In CA, US
- Complete the task already DoesNotExist