Title: Understanding job requirements (~5~7 minutes) • Accept
Requester: Mturk [AR7PN2KTQKT7Z] Contact
TV: No reviews
TO: No reviews
Reward: $5.00
Duration: 168:00:00
Available: 1
Description: We are conducting research on what people think of different jobs and their characteristics. Payment will be processed after your responses pass the quality check.
Qualifications: Masters Exists |
New requester. Timer = 7 days
UPDATE: The non embedded, text link, offers, "Sorry! We were unable to find this survey."
... New requester. No history. Survey doesn't work. And.. they *chose* the name "MTURK" for their requester ID.
Text from HIT description mentions you are paid after, "your responses pass the quality check."
Thus in theory... they have a quality standard.