You are correct.
@Kadauchi can be summoned for questions like this one, and will often be able & willing to provide an answer. The individual who is currently keeping HIT Forker updated is ThisPoorGuy on Turker Hub. On either forum you can tag someone by typing the @ symbol followed by their user name (no space between @ and their user name, and it should start providing auto-complete suggestions as soon as you start typing the first letter of their name).
So my suggestion would be to:
1. Add a few things to the block list of HIT Finder, then export it. Yes, it will export as a .json file, which is essentially a .csv formatted file.
2. Export from HIT Forker to your clipboard, and then paste that info into a simple text document.
3. Open the HIT Finder .json file in either notepad or Notepad++
4. Compare the formatting of the two. You may simply need to make some adjustments to the contents of the HIT Forker Export so that it matches HIT Finder's. It might be easiest to do this in Excel via Find/Replace...
Since this step can be a bit tricky, you're welcome to message me and just paste the contents of the HIT Forker export into the message then I could reformat and send back to you.
5. Once you've made the adjustments to the HIT Forker export, then copy/paste the contents into the same .json exported from HIT Finder. Save the file.
6. Once saved, right-click on the .json and click on Properties to make sure it is actually a .json.
Let me know if any of that was unclear. There certainly may be an easier method, but since I don't have the HIT Forker export immediately available, the above is a more generic approach that should still work.