So my sweet, adorable, fuzzy, orange new kitty Lucy is turning into

demon spawn.
Found out she's a bit over 2 years old and it seems was a stray the whole time, as she has a tipped ear.
The fur-ck face managed to sneak out on Halloween despite my kid standing outside on the porch to hand out candy and the door being kept shut 98% of the time. I don't know when or how she got out, my kid saw her near the closed front door trying to get back in but then she spooked and ran to the neighbor's house. She led me on a merry chase as she was freaked the hell out by all the activity (we got so many trick or treaters I basically ran out of candy and I bought a lot of candy).
Now, all she wants to do is go back outside and she's getting really pissy about it. I think she is trying to annoy me so much

that I throw her outside.
And I've spent a bundle on "feline environmental enrichment" as the vet called it. With a straight face.