Title:Compare 2 options, 1 written response • Accept Requester:PickFu [AI2HRFAYYSAW7] Contact TV: [Hrly=$17.04][Pay=Good][Approval=~24 hrs][Comm=Acceptable][Rej=2][Blk=0] TO: [Pay=4.11][Fast=4.78][Comm=4.15][Fair=4.69][Reviews=342][ToS=1] Reward: $0.13 Duration: 00:08:48 Available: 1 Description: Pick which choice that best answers the survey question. Explain your choice. Additionally, fill out 6 demographic selections. If you've done our HITs before most of these will already be prefilled. Limited to previous PickFu responders meeting the target demographics. Qualifications: PickFu NDA EqualTo 1; Gender In 2; TWL GreaterThanOrEqualTo 10; Location EqualTo US