The original idea isn't totally dead until you start getting into vet dungeons and trials, so I'm told.** I'm at cp180 and not in any hurry to get to the cp300 I've been told you need for vet dungeons - normal dungeons are plenty hard enough for me.Workable-ish anyway. Was pretty freakin' awesome a couple of years ago. Haven't played regularly for a while so not sure how balance has changed, still need to do another required respec for most of my toons after some update. My understanding is that the original idea of allowing you to do anything you want and still be viable is basically dead, but I'm a filthy casual so what do I care.
I am spending a lot of time right now "working" and trying to learn this place and others (just started Prolific yesterday), so less time on games. I had some fun with ESO and I try to keep it updated, but I'm not sure I want to do another deep dig to see what all the new metas are (another thing I hate about MMOs, I'm lucky to have a friend who experiments with ship builds in Star Trek Online or I'd have left ages ago, the DPS Queens have kind of ruined that endgame).
(But then, as a full-time student trying to work as close to full-time as possible, I betcha I'm a filthier casual than you

**and even then it's not totally gone unless you're trying to be competitive on a level I don't really understand - seems to depend greatly on who you ask, results so far have been very inconclusive
Also lag after the last update/during the present event has been pretty batcrap, so I wouldn't recommend going back this immediate second anyhow.'s still real pretty, though.

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