So my son was in an accident this morning

His quick reactions kept him safe as a 22 y/o distracted driver (she was using her GPS) crossed into his lane and hit him head on. It would have been a lot worse had he not reacted and braked as she didn't even brake at all.
He was on his way to work and she was on her way to the hospital to see her goddaughter who was born this morning. Both cars are totaled (bent axle on the Jeep), but looks like we all get to celebrate life today! :revolvingheart:
Not sure why I'm sharing, because he's fine ... really, just a bit sore (he was evaluated at the hosp). Guess it's times like these that we reach out to friends ... and that's what I consider you guys. My mind has been spinning since he phoned me at 7:41a ... time calm my mind of the "what if's" and focus on the positive ... and maybe a glass of wine