During probation, any money is good and $10 is pretty standard. But, definitely gotta start with the basics. Everyone I know started by also making $5-$10 a day during probation(my best was $16 in 12 hours

) It's not like starting a job where you make the same in training as you do when you're trained up. Think of it more like running your own business.(I think lemonade stand but, whatever) But, right now, you're starting a new business, in a new field, with tools that you aren't completely familiar with yet.
Unfortunately, but most importantly, a LOT(most) of your time during probation(10days) should be spent learning, so that you'll know what you're doing when the flood gates open and you can do as many HITs as you want(up to 3800). And, when you're learning, while trying to make money, most of the benefit that you're going to get is in the form of qualifications and skills that you will be able to use to make real money down the road, not cash. But, there is a reason that a lot of people end up here from r/beermoney. That's about the amount you make until you get your feet under you, so to speak.
Best suggestion is to read what
@TSolo315 quoted and the links from that post. The information found there will be invaluable and will give you the foundation on which to build your turk business, making you more productive in the long run, and more adaptable to changing situations that occur frequently on MTurk.
Words of wisdom below...
@catscratch good luck. If everyone could make a living wage right off the bat, everyone would be doing it. Let us know if we can help.