"Hey KittyKatMeowMix, can you work for me Friday? I'm way behind and could really use the day to play catch-up on some back end work."
"Oh sure no problem, anything to help."
Come in today to find she decided to take the day off instead because she "hasn't had time off in weeks." (coming from a woman who gets every weekend off because "I'm a mom, I can't work weekends.")
Today is not starting off well. Turkin' better be good to me while I'm dying of boredom here.
"Oh sure no problem, anything to help."
Come in today to find she decided to take the day off instead because she "hasn't had time off in weeks." (coming from a woman who gets every weekend off because "I'm a mom, I can't work weekends.")
Today is not starting off well. Turkin' better be good to me while I'm dying of boredom here.