That both gave me too much information, and not enough.
Story of my life, yes.
I'm very good at that.
Simply put, how much do you actually turk and during what hours? Even on very slow days getting $20 is relatively easy, getting $50 is a minimum day, and I'm always (except today because of bonuses) pushing for at least $80.
I know the normal response to making more money is Masters and closed quals, but that's not true for such a low dollar amount. It's more about what you work, what tools you use, and where or what you're looking for.
I can work in somewhere between 3 hours and 12 hours of Turking, depending on the day, but usually do it on and off for about 8 hours, at least.
Typically from around 9am-12pm, if I'm awake in the morning, and then on and off through the afternoon, and from around 7pm-12am at night.
And I know I'm not taking full advantage of the tools available to me because, quite honestly, I can't make myself ask for help 90% of the time, and the few times I try to, I word it JUST about as poorly as that bit you quoted, so... I don't get very far.
I use MTurk Suite, Panda Crazy, and obviously Tampermonkey, and I have more or less no clue how to use HIT Finder or anything, and just recently learned how to use the "Search" function for Panda Crazy, and I'm very slowly picking things up as I go.
Average week for me has been like $85, and that's basically just me fishing for stuff I know, and cherry picking stuff that people post here.
Also RecProServices' receipt line typing HITs, because I find them strangely-soothing and they make a decent time-filler, when I'm bored and want to watch videos while doing something, or I'm just waiting to catch a better HIT on Panda Crazy.
If this is too much and not enough yet again... I welcome you to my life once more, and might suggest PMing me, heh.