Title: Evaluating employees 6 (only workers who didn't participate in the previous surveys can take this survey) | PANDA Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester Requester: Min Young Yoon [A38X0HGYWSF4A0] (Contact) TO 1: [Pay: 4.00] [Fast: 0.00] [Comm: 0.00] [Fair: 0.00] [Reviews: 1] [ToS: 0] TO 2: Not Available Reward: $1.50 Duration: 60 minutes Available: 1 Description: The study is to understand how managers allocate rewards to employees. We are seeking full-time male workers between 18-65 in the U.S. Please proceed the survey if you think you fulfill the requirement. The survey will take about 20 minutes. Requirements: Gender - Male is 1; HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 97; Location is US; |
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