Yay, finally done with Christmas shopping! Well, at least picking out what I want to get everyone. There's still over $100 of stuff in my Amazon cart I'm waiting to pay for because I'm hoping to get some more gift cards, and since it's all Prime, I have til like Wednesday or Thursday to buy it as long as it doesn't go out of stock (knock on wood).
Total spent is going to be just under $300. I can't believe how freaking quickly that adds up. but I had to buy for 13 people, so it averages out to around $23 a person. I thankfully made my goal of keeping my budget limited to Mturk (~$225), gift cards (~$50), and rewards points (~$25), so none of this had to come out of my bank account!
Many thanks to this forum, 'cause without it, I'd still be doing p9r's and I'd probably only have like $5 by now.