Accidents can happen no matter what. Going to walmart saturday for just the weekly shopping. But the one we use is at the mall area. So getting there was a bit complicated considering it's christmas and never trust new and improved roadwork. Saw the traffic stopping ahead so we slowed considerably and carefully as it was raining, above freezing, but raining and the stop was sudden and well you know how people are. Don't think to stop until we have too. So, we're nearly if not completely stopped just waiting and someone, without insurance of course, comes up behind us and hydroplanes. He attempts to hit the barrier but bounces off and I'm sitting on passenger side and his vehicles slams into us or me basically. Hello? Fortunately the little car we were in, was pretty sturdy and absorbed much of the impact. I've got a big bruise on my knee, but that's it. Cops showed up nearly right away and told us to leave as soon as we exchanged info because they needed to clear the road for all of the other accidents. Yeah. So, we could drive okay, went home, called insurance company, found out the driver who hit us had none, got all of that out of way, then took my car and went back cause cat food is very important to purchase around here and walmart has the least expensive price or so I thought.