Sorry for the liberties. i tried to get everyone on the board today.
Twas the nite before Christmas
And all thru the house
Not a turker was stirring
Not even their mouse
Pandas were hung on mturk with care
In hopes that some hit catcher soon would appear
While visions of quarters danced thru their heads
Turkers were are nestled safe in their beds
Jan in her kerchief, her daughter in her cap
Had just settled down for that long winter’s nap
When out in the sky their arose such a clatter
It was Bezos with his spaceship like it all mattered
Away to the computer jenu flew in a flash
They turned on the wifi and blinked at the mash
The hits had all approved and they were flush with cash
The screensaver traveled to new fallen snow
This gave light of midday to objects below
When what to wondering eyes did appear
But a miniature panda with eight tiny peers
Who was the driver so lively and quick
we knew in a moment he must be St. Bezos, I mean Nick
More rapid than pickfu’s the hits they came
He whistled and shouted and called them by name
Now mew and Skittles and Doom Kitten
On rmath and turtlefemm on creepy187tv and alk69
LumosDc and vinc01
There was Turtlefemm with
Mikey Chlanda and Blakkat with Trucker shouting orders
With michelle ringing the bell at each border
To the top of the google, to the top of the wall
Then they dashed away, dashed away all
As the pixels that before the wild batches fly
When they meet with an odd hit, the limit becomes the sky
So up to the hit catchers they all flew
With the bounty of hits and St. Bezos too
And then, in a twinkling was heard on the roof
All the hits prancing and pawing before they went in a poof
Down the computer scheme St. bezos came with a boot
Dressed all in space gear from his head to his foot
His clothes all tarnished with space dust and soot
A bundle of hits he had on his back
And he looked like the peddler he was when he opened his pack
He filled all the stockings with bonuses that matter
For turkers to work
He spread all the hits then turned with a jerk
He lay his finger aside his nose
And through the bits and pixels he rose
He climbed in his spaceship and gave a whistle
And the turkers grabbed the hits as they fell like down of a thistle
And Bezos exclaimed as he flew through the night
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.