That's sad everyone one should donate at least a little to help the forum stay afloat. Or one day we might go to log in and find it's no longer here.
I think there's enough to stay afloat. Just not any extra for prizes. I still feel like we should do them, regardless of the lack of prizes. I know banners are stupid and don't mean much but, people like a bit of competition, pride of winning and recognition for their efforts etc. At least there'd be a bit of incentive for people to post HITs other than out of the goodness of their heart or, because they're bored or out of pity because there hasn't been a HIT posted in x minutes.
I don't mean to sound like I'm slagging off MTC because I'm really not.(I'm here every day. So, I must like it

) I personally will keep coming and use it for what it is but, ... eh, nevermind. lmao. I'm sure nobody cares what I think and I'm sure the powers that be came to the same conclusions without me pointing it out. If they made the group decision to stop, they must have thought it was the right thing to do.
EDIT All of this said, thanks to everyone who posts HITs. You ARE appreciated!