Whatcha watching kids?https://www.cnet.com/g00/news/moviepass-movie-tickets-10-a-month/?i10c.referrer=https://www.google.com/
Netflix co founder created a new subscription service called moviepass that some of you may be interested in. $10 a month commitment to get unlimited movie theater visits. One movie per day. No 3D or IMAX. If you go see one movie per month, you already make your money back. If you are a movie junkie, you can save hundreds of dollars per year by signing up for this service.
E V E R Y T H I N G.Adding this here for movie lovers. Don't forget http://www.advancescreenings.com/ as well.
Whatcha watching kids?
I'm watching Ken Burns new war doc The Vietnam Wars that starts this Sunday. His Civil War documentary single-handedly made me interested in a war I had never really cared about, to the point that I bought books so I could learn more about it.Ken Burns new war doc The Vietnam Wars starts this Sunday!
Whatca watching kids?
Excellent choice!I'm watching Ken Burns new war doc The Vietnam Wars that starts this Sunday. His Civil War documentary single-handedly made me interested in a war I had never really cared about, to the point that I bought books so I could learn more about it.
Saw It this weekend. Found a bunch of scary movies in the trailers that I would like to see now. Looking forward to seeing La La Land on HBO Saturday.Ken Burns new war doc The Vietnam Wars starts this Sunday!
Whatca watching kids?
Oh that looks good! Great cast. Thanks!@coffeeowl have you seen this trailer? The movie is from the guy who made In The Thick of It and Veep.
I know I'm in the minority, but I just couldn't get into that movie.Tonight's scary movie is "Let the Right One In." Looks promising.
I very much enjoyed it! Such a creepy, disturbing vibe and I loved how the gross out moments were usually quick and jarring.I know I'm in the minority, but I just couldn't get into that movie.
We are going to watch The Babysitter on Netflix, which was released yesterday.
Die HardSo I named the Daily Thread today after one of my favorite holiday (ok not really but it is set during the holidays) movies Trading Places. What are some of yours?
I also love Elf, Love Actually, Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story.
LoveActually.So I named the Daily Thread today after one of my favorite holiday (ok not really but it is set during the holidays) movies Trading Places. What are some of yours?
I also love Elf, Love Actually, Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story.