I'm beginning to think that, for whatever reason, I can't print off Jasmine Beckett-Griffith grayscale pages. (Which sucks, because I think her grayscale is beautiful, even if a touch too dark.) The ink just seems to rub off for her, which doesn't make any sense.
Here is the image I'm working on:
Now here's a print of it I haven't started working on. Even though I haven't colored (much of) bottom girl, she's already blurry for whatever reason.
That previous grayscale picture (blue dress girl) was Selina Fenech and printed with the same printer, but she didn't smudge. It's so weird.
I just got new ink, so I want to blame that, but the last time I tried to print and color JBG grayscale it did this. I blamed the paper at the time. JBG's grayscales are much darker than Selina's, maybe that has something to do with it? Dunno, just kinda rambling at this point cause I'm bored.