Also, I would just like to say something about the controversial HIT ban...
This wasn't a decision that we made lightly. We've never banned the posting of any type of HIT in the past, AFAIK. So banning these HITs sets a precedent that I don't think any of us are all that comfortable with.
We held out on these HITs for a long time, despite the daily drama that they had been causing for well over a month. Honestly, it has been a huge fucking pain at times dealing with the nonsense that they've brought with them. We held out, though, because we maintained that we're all capable of being adults about something and that there just wasn't enough evidence to warrant any action from us.
We also felt that it wasn't really our problem to deal with. It was Amazon's. But when the debate over the HITs started to get heated here, we reached out to someone at Amazon, that we had been in contact with on MTG in the past, in the hopes that they could either suggest a course of action, or at least provide some sort of official backing, but they never got back to us.
We decided to do a little investigating of our own, in the hopes of either confirming or dispelling the rumors about the nature of the accounts that were posting those HITs. What we found was very troubling. Not only did the rumors seem to be confirmed, but some of the people that we talked to even confirmed issues with credit card fraud.
Knowing what is most likely going on with those accounts, added to the way that those HITs were being celebrated here, with the constant "yay, scammies" attitude, it looked really shitty. That's not the image that we want for this forum. I think we're better than that. So yeah, after nearly a week of debate and evidence gathering, we made what was a very difficult decision for us and decided that it would probably be best if those HITs weren't posted here anymore. I'm sorry if this cuts in to anyone's income, but at least you're not one of the people that are having to deal with their banks/credit card companies about stolen info and trying to figure out just how much of their info someone else might have right now.