Welcome back Castaways! It's time for our fourth challenge! This week's challenge will be:
That's right Castaways, it's time to let those creative juices flow. You won't be solving a murder mystery...you'll be doing the murdering!
Each team must come up with
their own murder mystery story. You will be trying to stump two of the finest MTC women around... myself (obviously) and my special guest this week
We will be judging the mystery on
3 criteria, giving each a
score from 1-5:
- Complexity/Content - how involved did we becoming in reading the material/entertainment factor/difficulty of the solve
- Characters - all members represented/character development
- Presentation - is it a wall of text or nicely organized/are there pics or illustrations/does the team have any type of graphic art
- Each member needs to be developed into a character. They should each be somewhat unique. They can play a large or small role.
- One character must get murdered.
- One character must do the murdering.
- You must reveal in the story which character is murdered, and keep the murderer's identity a secret. This will be what
@TQueen and
@electrolyte will be trying to solve.
- Your story must contain at least 3 clues to who the murderer may be. Vague and unsolvable stories will be given lower scores. Great, complex mysteries that might stump us aren't what we're talking about here. This just means no haphazard nonsense.
- Do NOT make it excessively long. We want to be able to read, solve and score within the hour.
- You must send
@kryssyy a PM telling her who the murderer is. She will be our verification liaison.
@electrolyte and I will be putting our heads together
Thursday, Sept 1. When the team turns in their mystery, we will have one hour to decide who we think the murderer is and score them.
- SOBs - You will need to post your mystery in the challenge thread at 5 pm pst on Thursday.
- Throttlers - You will need to post your mystery in the challenge thread at 6 pm pst on Thursday.
One of your team members must be responsible for this.
It must be posted at this time. If it's late, points will be deducted.
If we incorrectly guess who the murderer is, the team will receive
two extra points on their score. We will announce our guess at the end of each hour for each team. After we have completed both mysteries, I will post our scores and we will find out who the winning team will be.
The losing team will head to tribal council this weekend. There will be no immunity this week.
- This is really where I'm leaving creative license to the team. I'm not putting any rules or restrictions on this.
- Each team member must be represented in a character.
- Remember presentation gets it's own score. A wall of text is acceptable, but might not be scored as highly as a presentation with graphics or formatted text.
Basically, we just want our socks knocked off. Everyone start :knife: