@mboone73 congrats on having to work for three days on here.
It's been so quiet here today. I think everyone is maxxing out@Vanyanka
lmaoIt's been so quiet here today. I think everyone is maxxing out@Vanyanka
https://www.mturkcrowd.com/posts/1469575/I did the best I could but stupid RL stuffs. Where are the results being posted? I feel so stupid. I don’t even know. I need sleep.
No shame. We only do what we can do. I wish I'd been able to stay up later and do more last night but I had a headache and just couldn't.*hides in shame* and I actually tried really hard yesterday. these hits are not cooperating.
Me too! Those damn Zoltars must have known about survivor and decided not to post and everything I caught yesterday took forever to do. :/*hides in shame* and I actually tried really hard yesterday. these hits are not cooperating.
she is kickass on many levels
That would imply this began as a hit spamming contest in the first place......can we just go back to a hit spamming contest?