@minkyboodle I'm very excited for the new Foo Fighters album too. I saw them back in 2011 and keep waiting for them to come back to PA. Best concert ever.
Hell yeah! Given that screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam on "Run", it's going to have an excellent sound.
He really runs himself ragged giving a good show, doesn't he? I've loved Foo Fighters since early middle school, but seeing them live made me an even bigger fan because of that passion he has for what he does. I've watched an embarrassing number of documentaries about them since. The fact that he took something so tragic and made something wonderful with the pain makes him one of my heroes!
I'll stop rambling, because I could go on for nearly forever.. I didn't see any PA dates, but it's still early and there are some gaps in the dates where other shows might be added, maybe.