Hi all! I hope this is a good place to put this. Some MLB swarm updates for you:
1. We should have, by next week or early the week after, a way to create our MLB leaderboards for everyone in our swarms to peruse every week. That will also correspond with us catching up on bonuses and prizes from the last three weeks.
2. We are also introducing a NEW, ADDITIONAL bonus. And that's the main part of this.
In the past, when we've asked the swarm to consider a hypothetical, virtual dollar bet on each prediction in MLB, it's been the same as all our other swarms in goal: try to make the most dollars overall...without really worrying about losses. That system, obviously really encourages the swarm to bet big, because it rewards big bets, without really penalizing us for being wrong.
But here's the thing: our new dynamic individual survey -- whether we noticed or not -- no longer measures just gross dollar amount earned. The way you drag that slider to each end of the range to set your individual virtual bet amount? Yeah, that creates a system where the high scorers each week are actually scoring the highest Return On Investment (ROI).
And so we need to make our swarm question on that confidence match that, if we can. So starting with tomorrow's swarm, we're introducing this new -- additional -- group bonus. IF the swarm achieves an ROI of higher than 20%, every participant earns an extra $2 bonus, to be paid during that week.
To achieve that, it'll be important for the swarm to maybe change betting behavior a little. To achieve an ROI of 20%, it'll mean that the swarm for MLB will still have to bet high on games that a lot of participants are confident in. But also there will be a need to bet small on close games, or games where people feel like they don't have enough info to go big.
Sorry for the long post! We're working out the exact verbiage to be more concise in the HIT and swarm instructions tomorrow, but that's the general gist of things!