1. I never shut off the Zoltar Panda, it stays running the whole time.Seeking some feedback here that I hope will be helpful to others... Specifically, I am looking to increase the speed at which I complete each Zoltar Website Evaluation HIT... Unlike most posts, I am not concerned about catching them because that doesn't seem to be an issue for me.
I am trying to get over the hump of only being able to only complete 90-130 of the $0.12 Website Evaluations each day before they run out. Most often, by the time I see the really fast people reach the daily cap hit 200-225, I have only completed about 80-90 Zoltar Websites Evals. So clearly my problem is that I am not completing them quickly enough...
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What I am most interested in learning from those who frequently cap is the following:
1. Do you complete the HITs in your queue while your Zoltar Panda continues to run? Or do you allow your queue to fill-up, then shut off the Zoltar Panda while you complete all of the HITs, then restart it. I've received feedback from a few daily zoltar cappers that they prefer the latter.
2. What % of website links are people actually opening? For instance, I don't need to open Jobsbucket links to know what information to input into the HIT because it's all right there in the URL. Over time I've certainly gotten faster and can predict more sites... So I am curious to know if the really fast people only need to actually load only something like 50% of the websites.
3. How long does it take on average to complete each HIT?
4. Compared to when you started, what is one thing that really helped speed up how quickly you complete each Zoltar?
It would be great to get feedback from some of the frequent daily Zoltar cappers...
@P L A Y E R 9 1
2. When you say "opening" do you mean clicking on the link and not perusing the website or do you mean not clicking on the link at all? I ask because the latter, I think, is one of the reasons people get blocked. I think one of the purposes of them having us do these HITs is to bring traffic to the sites. Also, from their perspective, how can we say we evaluated a site we did not even visit? So not clicking at all, I think, is a problem. Even if you are familiar with the site (like JobsBucket) you still have to click on the link, you just don't actually have to peruse the site. To answer your question, I click on EVERY single link, I just don't actually look at the pages of the ones I'm familiar with. Basically, for JobsBucket, I just click the link (I don't actually go the the window or Tab), fill out the info and then close the JobsBucket window or tab.
3. I use the floating timer script (https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/7898-mmmturkeybacon-floating-timers) to time myself on each HIT. 7 out of 10 websites I do take less than 20 seconds. At Least 1 out of 10 take about 40 seconds. When I first started capping, my times were under 25 seconds (7 out of 10 Hits) and 40 seconds (1 out of 10) respectively. So, if you keep most of them under 25 seconds, you will definitely cap (this is assuming your panda is catching them, of course).
4. I think you get faster the more you do them. Also, I'm not advising this, but on Doctors/Dentists/Spa sites, I don't spend too much time on them trying to figure out if they have multiple locations. I just glance at the website, sometimes they have a link that says "Locations" or they actually list the addresses at the top of the page. If these are not present, sometimes you can just tell which companies are small and which ones may have multiple locations.
Bonus: Only scripts I run during Zs are The Zoltar script, Google auto reload, Floating timer and Panda Crazy.
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