New profile posts

Hey Loren, like the profile picture. I'm a photographer and used that lighting style many times - but mostly on men. It had to be done in a studio or at the very least by a professional. Am I right?
My wife is an amateur photographer.

She's done the 365 challenge, where you take a photo every day... for over 8 years. She's on some Flickr group where they suggest daily topics. I'm pretty sure this was one of those suggestion/challenge things from a year or so ago. She's always taking weird photos of something.
Checked out her flickr account. Some very nice stuff!
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man im no conspiracy weirdo , im mean dont get me wrong im a weirdo, just not x files type, but i think no i know the social media cosmos is out to get me today, everywhere i go , except for the mturk forums , all the other crap i visit are ganging up on me , and i get it im a former UNITED STATES MARINE, LOL , your gunna need back up cuz you brought a knife to a 50 cal gun fight! whew thanks for letting me share