We've been open for over 21 years now. We've learned a lot and grown a lot. Our experience is important to us because it helps ensure that we can give you the best information and guidance possible when it comes to your prescription sunglasses.
I cannot seem to complete hits lately. I keep getting a "Sorry, an unexpected error occurred. #B.51c0jd.kcqmcyos"..Help! Anyone! When I try to reload the HIT I get "We were unable to connect to our servers. Please check your internet connection and try again. My INTERNET CONNECTION IS FINE. Another one I get is the HTTP Error 431.
I am fairly new at this (640 completed hits) and until this past week I thought I was
Is it just my imagination or are the quantity and quality of hits drying up a bit? I guess I'm fairly new, 638 hits to date. Until the past week I was feeling like I had a shot at breaking $10 for a couple hours work. Lately it seems a struggle to break $5.
I'm new. I am retired and need something to do. This is fun, but these script stuff iss a little difficult for me. I'm trying to get panda crazy going but haven;t succeeded yet. Maybe by morning I'll have it going.