Hi, I'm new here. Thanks for all the info on hits, but how can i get my masters qualification? I have requested it over and over and over again and so far i haven't gotten it. Any help is appreciated.
Hi and welcome to the forum! Masters is an elusive qualification given out at random. There’s no exact formula that they’ve figured out to know what their threshold is.
The best advice is to get your numbers up and do good work, keeping your approval score above 99%. Once you hit 100, 1000, and 10,000 HITs, more will open up.
Some people have gotten it at 30k HITs, while it took others well over 100,000. Requesting does absolutely nothing and I don’t know of anyone who has gotten it by simply clicking that.
Maybe someone better than I can explain it better or give you info that I’m missing. But again, welcome, glad to have you!