Is it a bad idea to have Hit Catcher running on more than 5 HITs at once? I just started using Mturk Suite today, so I'm learning. (I've got it set to 1s)
the more things you have running in hitcatcher, means the longer the time between each search for each individual hit.
if you have 9 things running, it takes about 15-16 seconds to search for each item on the list. [by default time of 1600ms]
if you have other scripts running too, you increase the time it takes to load each page
if you have other scripts searching mturk at once (i.e. running pandacrazy too) you also might risk PREing a search or two, which means that specific hit didn't have a successful search, since it resulted in a page that had a page request error, instead of your search.
of course, as
@electrolyte hinted, your own system, internet connection, and other circumstances might allow you to have more things running at once than other people can.
that said, amazon also will prevent too many page requests per second, which is also known as a PRE, so it's not like there are people out there able to search 20 different tasks per second.