Well I lost high triple digits pushing almost 7 in investments, I had dedicated the last almost 4 years of my life to it and put off family, relations just everything. The plan was to hit that cool million mark invest it all in long term stocks and then reinvest the dividends for 5 years into a few rentals and go from there and I was damn damn close and in a matter of a week I lost literally everything hell in a manor of seconds I lost 1/3 of it before I could stop trades and figure out what the hell was happening and even then nobody knew. Myself and all the investors i was in a circle with double downed on the American Economy because hell it was/is the American Economy and surely it was just a freak spike never before witnessed...boy was I wrong lol. My entire way of life changed from being able to just go do/buy whatever I wanted to I didn't know how I was going pay my mortgage once my savings ran out. Problem was all my "free" time in the military I spent studying and self teaching investing, mock trading with play money ect ect I didn't have any real world or formal applicable skills.