Many of the most important things I've learned in life are from cats and the people who help me care for them. Those are valuable relationships and i would not trade them. Cats are intelligent beings, more so than they've been given credit for. They are quite social and socialist animals. By socialist I mean they have the system down. "Take me in oh pretty human. Feed me, clothe me, keep me safe. I'll cherish you forever if you treat me right." In return for what they take they will give. They are there to comfort when humans aren't. I laugh every day in a good way at the silly feral that moved into my apartment this past winter. He didn't want to die and decided we had a trust, barely on a string, but we have one. He's elderly now and has been on a "death" watch by the neighbors and me the past two winters. He doesn't fare them well outside. I guess this winter it got so cold he chose survival. I won't argue with the way of cats. I've found them to know much more than I do. And problems oh I understand those. I've had plenty. But the kitties again gave that comfort when no one else was there. Maybe that's all they want to do ... give you comfort. Let them.