Sorry if this was already talked about. I went back a couple of pages and scrolled through quickly to check.
Did anyone else get this super long email? This is just an excerpt...
"Why is this study being done?
The purpose of this research study is to understand how different contest structures (simultaneous structure vs. sequential structure) would affect crowdsourcing workers’ performance. In a simultaneous structure contest, contestants will finish all tasks required for the project all at once, while in a sequential structure contest, the whole project is divided into several sub-contests in which contestants only need to finish one task in each sub-contest. Your participation in the study will contribute to a better understanding of how online crowdsourcing contest structures should be designed in order to improve workers’ performance and contest outcome. You are free to contact the investigator at the above address, email, and phone number to discuss the study. You must be at least 18 years old to participate.
In the consent that we presented to you before you started participating in the contest, we simply stated the purpose of the study was “to understand how different contest designs would affect contestants’ performance”, but did not specify that we were studying the influence of contest"