@Michele I didn't know you were working on an AA. I don't know how you feel about Fine Arts but, if you have any interest, "Britain's Lost Masterpieces" is a show you may like a lot. It's about how there are a bunch of paintings, and other art like sculpture, in the storerooms and basements of galleries, museums and estates, that are unattributed or mis-attributed. Each episode they visit one location, choose a piece, and then they research it. There are 2 presenters. One of them works out the history and provenance, the other is more of a hands-on person. He works with restorers to get them cleaned up and repaired, while removing any mess that was added after the fact, to cover damage or whatever other reason. It's really neat to see them cleaned up, and how bright they are after. The old varnish is usually pretty yellowed. Then, at the end, they have a reveal, where they correct and verify/certify the attribution, and sometimes the subject, if it was in contention. Anyway, check it out. See PM.