any recommendations for new workers to do just starting out?
-I am a sucker for penny hits and low paying batches. I rather bust out 200 penny hits than do a long $2 hit. It is all in preference.
Some of my favorites are (off the top of my head):
Ben Peterson
-keep an eye on your approved vs. your pending. Make sure that if you do a batch and there is a mass rejection (which hopefully there never will be), you are able to still maintain an approval of above 95%. Dipping to low can make it harder to find decent work.
-READ THE TO reports. Turkopticon and Turkerview are going to help you A LOT when trying to figure out what hits to do and to avoid.
-Also, I tried many forums. They all have different "vibes" to them. This is my favorite one. gather information from many sources and even go a little off the grid and just watch what others are saying and how they are running their scripts.
-RUN SCRIPTS!!! MTS is the best!!! Hopefully you already have indulged in that.
-SCARED MONEY DONT MAKE MONEY!!! (Take MINOR, but necessary chances on some hits... once you get your approved numbers up)