UPDATE: I got panda and hitscraper up and running. I needed to download a different version of hitscraper (I was getting the json page instead of the hit), and Panda Crazy Helper. Yay!
Hi Jan, I'm having trouble getting started with panda and hitscraper. I've looked at several tutorials and read about it. It appears that I'm missing something to get the hit/requestor from one script to another. When I right click on the preview/accept, I can only send it to hit catcher (which runs slower than a snail for me). I don't see any of the grey boxes you're talking about. I know there must be a faster way to add hits than manually typing them in! I do have the ability to export in many forms the info about the HIT, to share on forums and facebook. I have Mturk Suite, Hit Scraper, and Panda Crazy. I'm using Chrome. Am I missing an extension?
P.S. Am I correct in my theory that one uses Hit Scraper for finding new Hits, MTurk Suite for TO reviews, Pending Earnings, and past history (on hits/requestors), and Panda for batch hits or rare hits? Please pardon my blundering and piggy-backing on this thread. I'm just trying to learn my way around here. I appreciate any advice. Thank you!
Hey there. I can help a bit. First off, Panda Crazy is called PC, for short. It's function is to handle PandAs(P
review and Accept). Since PandA is already short for Preview and Accept, it can get very confusing if you call PC(PandaCrazy) 'panda' because, when trying to help you, I have to rely on context to figure out if you are actually talking about a PandA or PandaCrazy(PC).
So, from this point forward, when trying to help, we'll be referring to PandaCrazy as PC and the 'Preview and Accept' links that it handles will be referred to as "Pandas". This will hold true across the forum here and usually elsewhere, as well.
Now that we've got syntax out of the way and we're all speaking the same language, on to your questions. When you say, HitCatcher runs "slow as a snail" what do you mean? It's polling rate, or delay? Because, it should run in the same fashion as the rest of MTS, since it's a piece of the whole. You definitely aren't missing an extension, as you have redundancy for everything.
As far as how to use PC, I can't help a bunch with that, as I use MTS for most everything but, the answers you need are here.
As far as your post script, HitScraper is used for finding HITs(Human Interface Tasks). I does the same job as HitFinder, which is part of Mturk Suite(MTS). PandaCrazy is used for trying to accept a HIT multiple times, whether for trying to catch multiples of the same HIT(batches) or trying multiple times to catch the same HIT once it becomes available(known as PandA-ing it). This is the same function as HitCatcher, also a part of MTS.
To sum up. MTS is a combination of a bunch of different tools that some people use separately, Including a HIT finding solution, like Scraper, a Panda solution, like PC and a database function(HitTracker) like HitDB. It is basically a complete integrated solution, rather than a bunch of specialized programs that hopefully play well together. MTS also includes a bunch of other 'helper scripts' like Dashboard Enhancer, HIT Exporter, etc.(way too many good things to list).
I use MTS for mostly everything. Because all of the tools are integrated, it's the most efficient solution for my situation.
Good luck. Let me know if you'd like to figure out why HitCatcher isn't working properly, so that you can get rid of the redundancies and see if being more efficient, and running your "TurkStand" with less moving part may be more productive. No need for 2 things that perform the same function, imo.
Also, if you need a bunch more help, feel free to PM me or move to a new thread. Normally I don't care but, the OP is having smoe significant difficulty getting started/working with help so, I'd hate to interfere with an already difficult situation.
Anyway, let me know how I can help.