when i was a grad student we had to complete online training courses on ethics in research involving human participants every couple of years for our lab to maintain IRB approval. i don't exactly remember every single detail from those courses but i have a very hard time wrapping my head around how most of the shit that i hear about getting pulled on mturk squares with that
I have had this issue a few times. My grad program was heavy research so we constantly had to do ethics training and were highly educated on what researchers did in the past that created the need for these ethics programs, ICs, IRBs, etc. (Some of those experiments from the past, wtf? I was a psychology student so we obviously studied the obvious ones like Milgram, but some of the lesser known ones...I mean, seriously, wtf? And people say "morals" were better in the past. NO THEY WEREN'T!!!)
I recall being super pissed at one requester who did this thing were he would release a code to one person that would allow other people to access his well paid surveys and track how that "release" of "resources" went via the forums, etc. No caretaking, no oversight, no IC for those of us who didn't get the code but were a part of the experiment anyway. That dude pissed me off hardcore.