Yesterday was so odd and stressful wth MTC being down; it was lonely. The other forum gave me anxiety - I don't like change. It was also slightly annoying seeing the same HITs posted over and over again, I ended up adding a lot of HITs 2+ times to Panda Crazy because of how often they were posted throughout the day. Glad to have MTS back where things seem more laid back and casual. Spent most of my day yesterday doing Rowans, Hannahs Pins, and Emily Wilson's. Picked up a couple of the higher paying surveys yesterday.
Got some great high paying surveys this morning from the other forum. Finally caught the canteen a few minutes ago and got 8.48 bonus on it. Getting worn out on Rowans and only at $29.02 currently. Thinking about doing some more mindless A9's for a while to get my numbers up.