Hey guys, I asked this last night but I didn't really get any answers so kind of hoping for a little insight here..
I'm quitting my job in 2 weeks and moving to a new city with no job lined up yet, probably because I'm an idiot.
For you full time turkers out there, what is your typical day like in terms of earnings?
If you'd rather PM me to discuss this, i'd appreciate any help.
Just trying to make sure I won't drown financially... lol
I'm not sure if it's really a good idea to compare yourself to others without really knowing their quals or skillsets. It's not easy to make a livable wage on this platform and I would suspect that the vast majority of people that are making the larger amounts have a lot of good quals and have spent years honing their skills and improving their work flows. Just because someone chimes in and says "I turk full time and make x amount" doesn't necessarily mean that it will be that easy for someone that's just moving to full time. So I would just be mindful of that.
We're also heading into the slowest time of the year and people probably won't be making in late Dec/early Jan what they're making right now. It's really tough and having just one or two good quals could be the only thing allowing you to cover your bills (depending on what you require).
I'm sure people have already told you all of this and I don't know what your MTurk situation is like, but I just want to make sure you're aware that things very well might not go the way that you plan. One of the worst things about this work is just how unpredictable it can be.
To answer your question though, I try to shoot for around $80 per day, but it fluctuates wildly (I made nearly $300 yesterday and not even $20 today). I could go higher if I need, but I'm lazy and enjoy my free time (I also spend a ton of time here), so I usually just make the bare minimum of what I need to live off of. That said, though: I have masters, a decent amount of very old quals, I can make my own tools and scripts, and I have a social circle that helps with all of that as well and can alert me to stuff. That all really helps. I've seen people make decent money on here without all of that, but it's really hard. That requires a massive time commitment that will probably eat up your life and burn you out very quickly.