I understand that she's just sharing her experience but I feel like it'll encourage others to use a method that I think is damaging, which is why I think discussion is important so people can see different perspectives.
It is a scientific fact that people respond better to kindness, but at the same time you have to stand up for yourself. Finding a good balance is key.
As an independent contractor, while an angry email
can be effective, you can establish much better relationships with friendly persistence.
You will gain more in the long run from politeness and respect. If you treat others well, they will treat you well also.
Additionally, if Mturk causes anger or other negative emotions on a consistent basis, it is probably more logical to get an even minimum wage job we like or can relax while doing.
Spreading anger and hate only destroys the community we are part of!
Edit: Sometimes the requester simply doesn't know better, or speaks English as a second language. My first ever rejection in 2016 was from someone who rejected and blocked all the demographics they didn't need, because they didn't know about screeners.