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Title: Brief product design activity(~ 8 minutes) | PANDA
Requester: christina [A832NFL6G1MT4]
TurkerView: [ $14.68 / hour ]
Description: Complete a short product design activity and answer a few questions about the process
Duration: 40 Min
Available: 14
Reward: $1.00
Title: Brief product design activity(~ 8 minutes) | PANDA
Requester: christina [A832NFL6G1MT4]
TurkerView: [ $14.68 / hour ]
Description: Complete a short product design activity and answer a few questions about the process
Duration: 40 Min
Available: 14
Reward: $1.00
- Exc: [319643-319054] DoesNotExist
- CR Research Group #1 GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100
- Location In US
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