I'm trying to remember, I can't really quantify it. I don't have my HitDB from that time currently accessible, and even if I did, the time to pay ratio was fairly variable. The pay cut is probably the least of the problems. I'd like to know why they moved away from the system with users having some specific quals. Maybe they weren't getting enough people doing them?
I definitely agree with someone else about the 45 minute timer. That needed significant improvement. I suggested it to them on multiple occasions, and got no response. Too many requesters I think do not understand how workers utilize the system, and that being able to queue HITs so there's not a made time scramble is an important aspect of that. While I never did multiple of them at the same time, I can see how people would be tempted to do so if they queued enough to have that be a problem. More than once back when they were still decent I'd simply have to shut the PANDA off once I got enough of them to fill the 45 minute window, and then hope nothing else from my TM would pick up during that window.