I may do one more round of quoting. You all move too dam fast.
I'm still shocked that NONE of you told me if I put all the quotes in Spoiler if everyone would see that I quoted them individually. Shame on You. Also, I don't think i reached the max quote cap.
Everyone "Fucks it up somehow." Forrest says "It happens"
Have you ever tried to assemble ikea furniture with a tiny manual with 6 point font in French? That's how it usually happens. That's my story.
Indeed. You dam Genius!
Hope you have a Great Time! I also hope for all your approved and everyone else Hits. Shit, I'm on that boat too. Please Approve.
You won't fall off. Believe. You're doing it Peter. Wait, this is not a movie!
That was a terrible movie. I heard the book was great. I put a whole Coffee Cake in my Frappe or a Brownie. But it is not for everyone.
I'm working on trying to get all this .0 writing excerpts I write onto the forum quickly. My hourly blows!
Dam! I hope you Kick His Ass!
Why would you do those Hits and ruin Shark Tank! (not a question but statement) I wonder if their is a New episode today?
Beautiful isn't it? Congrats, you made it to be quoted. Celebrate and don't feel left out like
Pleco. Poor little rat! Every time I see his avie, I imagine that it will turn into a Ratatouille one.
Geez, I'm testing this for free. Come christmas, I hope for a nice gift. Admin, what happened to you. Don't appreciate the good that will come from this?
Where is sassyy? I miss said individual!
How dare you? I think it may be time for a new Princess!
Don't be hurt. Go and change your avie to Ratatouille. I would greatly appreciate it. It will bring a great smile. Also, did I mention, I believe it is ONE of the Greatest New Disney Releases.
Thank You Dear Friend for picking up the slack!
You're an AWESOME MOM! I just wanted to say that.
I thought I would be out of word by now, but I guess not. Someone please help!
Please PM Me with the answer to the following question: If I quote member and place in spoiler, will they know I quoted them?