Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone. I truly appreciate it.
I had a busy day, I went to The Broad, affectionately known as "the cheese grater". The Broad is not named after a derisive name for women that men used a lot in the 70's, but for Eli Broad, the billionaire who owns the museum. If you're a billionaire museums are great because one, you get to show everyone how much money you got and two, they'll have to remember you as long as the museum exists.
The museum is right next to Walt Disney Concert Hall, affectionately known as " Lol I don't know throw a bunch of stainless steel panels there see what happens".
This right in downtown LA, like the only place that has skyscrapers in this whole damn city. This is the Wells Fargo building, affectionately known as Shorty.
To get there I had to take the subway, affectionately known as " Holy shit we have a subway in LA? Good thing I own a car and I'm not a poor person who has to ride around in public transportation"
Now why go through all the trouble? Because, I had to see the greatest sculpture in the history of art.
I also saw these dumb flowers.
And here's yours truly with a very profound and super artistic picture.
The tour is over, I hope you guys liked it, honestly the highlight of my day is none of that, but having a piece of cheesecake for the first time in 4 months. I am so ready.