i'm back ... from what was suppose to be a lovely short visit with my grandparents in south Florida (who are 88 and 93 and have aides in their home who tend to their needs) to a "we have to evacuate two elderly people who haven't left their home in over 10+yrs and you're the only person taking care of them for the next week or so" trip. I love them dearly and in the end I probably took them on what will be the last 'trip' in their lifetime. It really worked out that it was me as well because I'm quite chill about most things, whereas my aunts/uncles/father would have been extremely nervous about making the trip we did (up to my sister's outside of ATL). Got home yesterday around noon, took a 'nap' until 9p, watched a movie with the hubs and then slept until 10a this morning. I think I've "rebooted" LoL
Can't believe I missed the announcement! I need all the deets and pics please

(PM is fine lol)
Now ... who would like to give me the Reader's Digest Condensed version of what has been happening 'round here for the past 2 weeks?