Morning. I was reading back on yesterday's thread and I saw the drama on posting earnings. When I do it I do it to motivate myself to keep it up or because I'm proud. High earnings on turk almost always come from working like a dog. I also like to see other high earners posting their totals because it motivates me and keeps me sort of up to date on the potential that day or week had. I am *not* an always high earner like some. Some days I can make a hundred or two and other days (or even weeks, or months) struggle for hours and hours all day to even get to $50 if that and just be utterly mentally exhausted from the effort. If there's any ace in my sleeve though to my high earnings aside from quals or masters, it's that I can often work like 16 hour days on turk basically from when I wake up to going to sleep just taking little under-30 breaks here and there. I know some others do that too, but sometimes if I posted high earnings for a day it's after working all day, so the hourly isn't always as magnificent as it seems. $100 divided by 15 hours is less than $7 an hour. Finally, those frustrated by high earnings posts, it takes patience to get there. I was frustrated too when I'd read forums when I first started and felt like I was so close to good money being made but just couldn't myself. All you can do is keep trying to get good quals, wait until you get masters, keep learning the ropes and put in the time. It can take *years* to get there and also the ability to work when the good work is up even if you desperately don't want to then and even when you are hating the work. Then you finally get to a point where you can ease back a little and still get fairly good days anyway. I'm still working on it myself since I still have a lot to learn and still have plenty of terrible days. Sorry for the long post, lol. tldr- suck it up, buttercup