Title: Take part in a psychological study for iPhone and iPad users! (~3 mins) |
Requester: S@TR [A1VHA47ORXU6WR]
TurkerView: [ $13.44 / hour ]
Description: Welcome to our scientific study! The study is designed for iPhone and iPad users only so, please, make sure that you have an iPhone or an iPad before you sign up. We will ask you a number of questions about yourself, your mood, and your mental health. These questions will help us develop better tools supporting mental health. Please, answer as honestly as you can! This experiment examines people's mood levels. We are interested in how this is affected by demographic variables like age, gender and the place you live. You'll be answering questions about yourself, your mood, and your mental health. Participating in this study will take approximately 3 minutes. You may help us develop an intervention that would help people to feel better.
Duration: 12 Min
Available: 7
Reward: $0.50
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- ef0f4892a817c8ded5c4edb101b27fe9447ea6fe DoesNotExist
- 80412233201bcb15666b2ac446860a99b1c3bf42 DoesNotExist
- Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 500
- ab5c70a2a750f5b115e550db4b754b92dfd32213 NotIn 1, 2, 3
- HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 96
- Location EqualTo US
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